Sunday, January 22, 2012

You are mine

Today's readings and gospel really stuck out to the first where the ppl fully repented and God spared them from being wiped out.. St. Pauls mesg to the corinthians to let go of all attachments.. Jesus coming and John and brother leaving everything and following him...

We all have so many attachments to this world. Work, electronics, responsibilities, even family. Would we be able to be like John and let go of everything and follow Jesus? Will we be able to forgive everyone in the past and present who have hurt us? Apologize to those that we've hurt or harmed? Be humble enough to tell those we hate, that we love them?

Following Jesus doesn't seem like a walk in the park after that, does it. But then again, is the destination worth it? Eternal salvation. Forever in God's kingdom. No more fear, pain, hurt. Just love. Is that worth it? I do.

But sometimes I am saddened by how tough it seems. How weak our minds and bodies are. I've been told that others admire how steadfast I seem to my faith. But...they don't realize that i fight despair every day. I am human, too. I'm just very determined to make it to God's kingdom. And i will take all i can with me. If that means sacrificing my time for extra prayer, so be it. I don't want to be alone in heaven :P but i also see that God has gifted me with the ability to talk to ppl. To help engage them into good and healthy conversations about faith, about God. And i know that i am called to spread the Word to everyone. I pray God continues to guide and protect me on my journey. Because sometimes, the closer i get to Him, the more progress i make with ppl, the more obstacles come in my way bc the darkness wants to take us away. But i want to win. So. I remember God's message to us.

"I love you, and you are mine."